A Window Into Orthodox Jewish Life

Welcome to Questions For My Jewish Friend.

My name is Melody, and I’m here to help you learn more about the culture and lifestyle that define my life as an Orthodox Jew.  Why do Jewish guys wear those skull cap things?  What does “kosher” mean?  How do you spell Hanukah?  I’m pretty sure Judaism is a religion, but sometimes I’m confused about if Jews are a religious or ethnic or some other kind of group.  Any of these questions sound familiar?  Questions For My Jewish Friend is here to answer any and every question you’ve ever had about Orthodox Judaism.

Xenophobia is defined as a fear of that which is perceived to be foreign.  I imagine that for the majority of the world, life as an Orthodox Jew must seem pretty darn foreign.  Living as an Orthodox Jew often means being part of a beautiful and tight-knit community, but one of the major downsides as I see it is that it can be quite insular.

My whole life, I’ve been playing “ambassador” to my non-Jewish friends, explaining my unique practices, customs, and traditions.  I cherish the many conversations I’ve had with friends who are curious to learn and very accepting of my life, as different from theirs as it may be.  For all the open-minded friends I have who love learning about different cultures and religions, I imagine there are infinitely more people out there who would value the opportunity to learn about my seemingly-foreign way of life, if only they had a friend to teach them.  So, here is your window into my world.  Peruse, learn, and ask any and all questions you may have.  Welcome.
